Well we thought the flight out of Danang in the middle of a typhoon was bad untill we boarded the bus for the trip down the mountain from Sapa to Lao Cai. As the bus headed off loaded with tourists from all over the world laiden with treasures from Sapa, there was nervous chatter as everyone settled in for the long trip down the mountain.Only a few minutes out of Sapa and the fog seemed to get thicker and thicker until we could no longer see in front of us. Our driver, God Bless Him, had obviously down this trip a thousand times before and he followed the white guide posts around the corners and down the mountain. As I was needing reassurance that I wasn't the only one scared to death, all Lyn could do, God Bless her too, was say Uh Ha........... lady sittinbg necxt to Lyn had her face covered with a scarf and her head in her hands - think she was praying - a bit like the people on the plane from Danang.......It was only a few mnutes into the trip and not a whisper could be heard. Everyone was watching the road - those who had their eyes open anyway....... Finally after 90 mnutes, we had travelled the 40 klms to Lao Cai and everyone was keen to get off the bus. Funnily enough, and it suprises me, no-one even tipped the bus driver...... wonder why..?? think everyone was still in shock and in recovery mode for the train ride that was quickly approaching. As we waited patioently for our tvikets, the shoe shine boys entertaind us all by insisting they shine our mudded joggers - even men in things fell victim....!! Had to be there to see the funny side as they all had mine lights attached to their heads for better lighting and obviuously a better shine.
As we were hearded once again to our carriage, Lyn once again had visions of Auschwitz... and I was beginning to feel nervous too as we trecked across 15 train lines t reach our carriage. This time, we were at the front of the trasin so we could heard the engine as it steamed ahead ALL night..... no sickness this trip, however, the conductor ran away in fright when he opened our door to be greeted by Lyn and the girls who wwre getting ready for bed - he screamed and ran down the hallway - wenever saw him again...... we spend somne time taking even more silly photos to add to our album and then settle in to be rocked asleep.
Train arrived in Hanoi at 4.30 am - winter arrived in Hanoi at the very same moment we alighted form the train --- funny that, when we left Hanoi it was stinking hot and so, being the Girl Guides we are, we dressed appro-raitely only to find that when we got off the train, we had a feeling of DeJaVue - Beijing Airport - -5 degrees celsius and a blkizzard blowing from Mongolia..... we were secondered by a nice tai driver with a faulty meter and as we drove to the Majestic Salute Hotel where we figured they would have a warm bed and hot shower and, of course, food... we noticed the meter climbing rapidly, getting faster and faster as we drove faster...... 200,000 VND later we arrive at the hotel -SHUT!!! We talk the taxci driver into taking us to the lake where we could wait until 6.00 am for the hotel to open.
We are dumped at the lake - my it's even colder than the station. As we drag everything we own - yes, dresses, gloves, hats, scarves, long pants and all the other warm woolies we bought in Sapa, from our bags and dress on the street - not a tmne to be propud - we are greetd by an older lady with 2 garbage bags. She ceremoniously starts to rummage through her bags to show us what is inside - we are dumbfounded - we so want some of these woolies but aren't sure if we shoiuld ask a price in case we have to buy everything. She puts on her wares to show us how nice they are... mind you it is still pitch black so we are't even sure if it is clean never lone looks good.... I am perplexed.... am still n shock from the bus trip ad the train ride.... Suddenly, the lights come on and the lady packs quickly and leaves without even a goodbye. She does however, leave me with her smelly, worn telly tubby and takes mine.... think she probably thought mine was better - too cold, don't care. Lyn is freezing and starts to participate in the daly exercise routine of the locals. We hear counting coming from the loud speakers and Lyn figures it is warmer to exercise that freeze to death on a park bench - me, I cannot move - frozen cold and fixated with Lyn's cumbersome aerobics as she tries to keep up with the locals..... puffing and panting..... no hope.... I am having so much fun videoing the whole programme. When daylight approaches, we head for the nearest taxi - he was reticient to let us in dressed as we were - socks and tongs, dresses over long pants etc etc - you get the picture but he taskes us to the hotel and the doorman smiles politely as he lets us in to get a room........... Bill and ted's Adventures just get better and better
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