Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Xin Chau Lyn Oi!!!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with me. There were so many memorable moments...... the people we met whose lives touched us, sometimes only fleetingly but touched us nevertheless... the sights we saw and didn't see (Sapa).... the tears we cried...... the laughter we shared.....I cannot believe that three months has gone so fast and yet, at times, it went slowly.....I will miss our morning breakfasts on the verandah of the second floor at Hoang Trinh watching the world go by while sipping on our Vietnamese coffee...the musical garbage truck and the little Pho lady who wad as regular as clockwork... the funeral processions.....the beautiful sunsets we watched from there of an evening.....the Confucius Temple that doubled as a rice drying field /martial Arts Dojo / community meeting hall ....... our Friday nights at Treats / retreats with Kwah's laughter echoing through the cafe and out onto the streets.....the unforgiving heat and the endless rain.......the floods and the heartache that went with it....Sundays at Dai Loc Orphanage and the smiling faces of each and every child there....the stories they told friend Pat the rat (a regular when I was home).... The wonderful staff at Fawlty Towers....Madam An who made us (as did they all) feel very special and privileged.... the amazing guests we met...the movie maker from Holland...the sculpture from Switzerland... the young American who lost his passport and all his worldly possessions....Xuan the tailoress and Mr Xuan ..... our nights wandering the streets of Hoi An and An Hoi with it's beautiful lanterns dangling from buildings that are so quaint and trying to capture the reflections n the river with a photo.... we never tired of any of it...... the lantern making...the pottery village... Anh Bung Beach...... Sapa....the very moving chanting of the Zow and Black Hmong people in the catholic church on the Sapa hill....the elephant waterfall....My Son......escaping a typhoon on a plane..... river cruises with Camembert cheese and coke....HCM.....train rides on the Tulico Express.... White Rose dinners....homemade Verde ice creams by the river on hot balmy nights.....the gallons of water and coke...the french fries with mayonnaise.... the prawn dishes where prawns are cooked and eaten shells and all.....Tu An restaurant..... the Cargo Club.....paraplegic cats.... Le Plage and The End of the World....motorbike rides up mountains...we climbed them together..... THANK YOU for making the sad times bearable and the good times memorable. Bill and Ted's excellent adventure is finally over........ what an adventure!!!

Chook Moo Nong and Tambiet XXXXXX

P.S Where do you want to go for the next adventure???

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Congratulatins Madam An !!

Madam An's ceremonious 3 year anniversary dinner

The End of the World couldn't be a better place

Now we know what is at the end of the world.... take a look

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last suppers and the end of the world!!

Well, after our big adventure in Sapa and all the memorable moments, we returned to Hoi An to pack the last of our belongings and get ready to come home. It seems we had brought the cold weather from Sapa and Hanoi with us as it was cold in Hoi An. We have arrasnged with Madam An for a tribute dinner for her and all her staff on ednesday night to tank them for being a part of the Hoang Trinh Family and for all they have done for us over the past few months. We ordered a beautifully decorated cake from Hamks over the road and Madam An organised the food. Robyn and Linda are also invited and any of the guests who wish to attend. We spent the morning with Jan and Susan from Coffs Harbour showing them around oi An and then try to catch a Nanna before tea. Thje staff have all pitched in and help prepare tea and have worked tirelessy since this morning. We aren't allowed to help, but when it is time to make the spring rolls, Lyn and I are delegated the task...we are experts now and have them made in no time at all except for distractions from Pat, my friend the rat, running backwards and forwards across the entry - just loves to scare me....Ha laughing and pointing at the "mole" sympathy at all our "Ha No Help" as he has ncknamed himself. Dinner is a wonderful success with the guests joining in and all the staff who aren't on duty have made a huge effort to attend...some of them lve a long way away so we appreciate their efforts!!

Finally there is the cutting of the cake - what a disappoitment to cut such a work of art!!...then we hand out the woollen socks and gloves we have brought them all from Sapa...and the silver bracelets for the girls....they are so excited !!! Madam An returns the favour and presnts us with gifts of coffee, dried cocnut, scarves and a purse each.... we are just as excited but wonder where we are going to pack it. We are not allowed to help clean up and as the guests leave, so do Robyn and Linda...there are thars and thank you's for the wonderful experience and opportunity they have given us.....

We head off to bed after a little play acting as the new Hoang Trinh Receptionists to try and entice Madam An to employ us...didn't work......damn!! Should have been more serious maybe....

The next day we catch a taxi to the End of the World....... out Cua Dai Road and turn left past the huge hotrels that are still being repaired after the typhoone across the sand over the road that the typhoon moved with it's force and past the hge piles of sand on the roadside....... down alleys that we wondered if the taxi would fit down, around corners and past tiny little palm leaf houses to aroad that leads to the waters edge and there in front of us is a tiny little outdoor cafe / restaurant - "The End of The World". The view from te waters edge is beautiful and as we sit and eat our last lunch in Hoi An, we are both somewhat quiet...pondering the next coupke of days and our return ome...not a lot to say....... just take in the view ..... We head back and throw a few last begotten treasures into our bags then head off with Madam An and taff to a dinner she has invited us to to celebrate her third anniversary of owning Hoang trinh.... we are humble and proud to be given the privilege. It is nice to join in a meal with the staff .... laughing and chattering away...... and a few Moat, Hai Bah, Yo's as well........ The nght comes to an end and we head back homne to go to bed for the last time.... not much sleep tonight I'm afraid....... tomorrow we say goodbye

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Church on Sunday - Sapa style

If this doesn't bring tears to your eyes and send shivers up your spine......


We know how to pick 'em.....

More pictures - no time to write.....

A picture tells a thousand words ...... Sapa

The girls from the Black Hmong and Zow tribes

Fog, mountains and buses ??

Well we thought the flight out of Danang in the middle of a typhoon was bad untill we boarded the bus for the trip down the mountain from Sapa to Lao Cai. As the bus headed off loaded with tourists from all over the world laiden with treasures from Sapa, there was nervous chatter as everyone settled in for the long trip down the mountain.Only a few minutes out of Sapa and the fog seemed to get thicker and thicker until we could no longer see in front of us. Our driver, God Bless Him, had obviously down this trip a thousand times before and he followed the white guide posts around the corners and down the mountain. As I was needing reassurance that I wasn't the only one scared to death, all Lyn could do, God Bless her too, was say Uh Ha........... lady sittinbg necxt to Lyn had her face covered with a scarf and her head in her hands - think she was praying - a bit like the people on the plane from Danang.......It was only a few mnutes into the trip and not a whisper could be heard. Everyone was watching the road - those who had their eyes open anyway....... Finally after 90 mnutes, we had travelled the 40 klms to Lao Cai and everyone was keen to get off the bus. Funnily enough, and it suprises me, no-one even tipped the bus driver...... wonder why..?? think everyone was still in shock and in recovery mode for the train ride that was quickly approaching. As we waited patioently for our tvikets, the shoe shine boys entertaind us all by insisting they shine our mudded joggers - even men in things fell victim....!! Had to be there to see the funny side as they all had mine lights attached to their heads for better lighting and obviuously a better shine.

As we were hearded once again to our carriage, Lyn once again had visions of Auschwitz... and I was beginning to feel nervous too as we trecked across 15 train lines t reach our carriage. This time, we were at the front of the trasin so we could heard the engine as it steamed ahead ALL night..... no sickness this trip, however, the conductor ran away in fright when he opened our door to be greeted by Lyn and the girls who wwre getting ready for bed - he screamed and ran down the hallway - wenever saw him again...... we spend somne time taking even more silly photos to add to our album and then settle in to be rocked asleep.

Train arrived in Hanoi at 4.30 am - winter arrived in Hanoi at the very same moment we alighted form the train --- funny that, when we left Hanoi it was stinking hot and so, being the Girl Guides we are, we dressed appro-raitely only to find that when we got off the train, we had a feeling of DeJaVue - Beijing Airport - -5 degrees celsius and a blkizzard blowing from Mongolia..... we were secondered by a nice tai driver with a faulty meter and as we drove to the Majestic Salute Hotel where we figured they would have a warm bed and hot shower and, of course, food... we noticed the meter climbing rapidly, getting faster and faster as we drove faster...... 200,000 VND later we arrive at the hotel -SHUT!!! We talk the taxci driver into taking us to the lake where we could wait until 6.00 am for the hotel to open.

We are dumped at the lake - my it's even colder than the station. As we drag everything we own - yes, dresses, gloves, hats, scarves, long pants and all the other warm woolies we bought in Sapa, from our bags and dress on the street - not a tmne to be propud - we are greetd by an older lady with 2 garbage bags. She ceremoniously starts to rummage through her bags to show us what is inside - we are dumbfounded - we so want some of these woolies but aren't sure if we shoiuld ask a price in case we have to buy everything. She puts on her wares to show us how nice they are... mind you it is still pitch black so we are't even sure if it is clean never lone looks good.... I am perplexed.... am still n shock from the bus trip ad the train ride.... Suddenly, the lights come on and the lady packs quickly and leaves without even a goodbye. She does however, leave me with her smelly, worn telly tubby and takes mine.... think she probably thought mine was better - too cold, don't care. Lyn is freezing and starts to participate in the daly exercise routine of the locals. We hear counting coming from the loud speakers and Lyn figures it is warmer to exercise that freeze to death on a park bench - me, I cannot move - frozen cold and fixated with Lyn's cumbersome aerobics as she tries to keep up with the locals..... puffing and panting..... no hope.... I am having so much fun videoing the whole programme. When daylight approaches, we head for the nearest taxi - he was reticient to let us in dressed as we were - socks and tongs, dresses over long pants etc etc - you get the picture but he taskes us to the hotel and the doorman smiles politely as he lets us in to get a room........... Bill and ted's Adventures just get better and better

heading to Sapa .... Cheryl oi, mozzie bites and sickness

hi all back down under.... from way up the top of the world in Sapa .....
good grief ... so many experiences up here ... but just a short summary ... long one to come when we get back to Hoi An .... will get in as much as wel can, trying to type with thermal gloves on ...

We in thermals up here ... scarf, gloves, thermal socks and jacket ... in total white out on top of the hill ... maybe still way down from the top of the hill, but can't see much further than our noses ... waiting for bus to take us back to Lao Cau ... think pron. low cow ... then train back to Han oi overnight .... Hope trip back better for Cheryl oi, who on way up at 2 am decided it was time to hurl into plastic bag ... me not so sympathetic ... got giggles making sure i covered face well to protect from hurling noises and odour... before that ..... we had ....

Day in Hanoi ... transfer to train by bus little taxing on patience, and then wait at train station ... good grief what an experience that was with people sleeping on floor, vietnam playing international soccer match on TV, so all vietnamese watching .... then door open to ... train? .... no no no two huge green carriages on track .... door at station closes behind us ... Cheryl screams ... i getting nervous .... people herded together by way of ticket number ... me thinking we off to gas chambers ... No 1 go this way they say .... phew walk past green cattle carriages, and voila, there is a train .... it goes for miles ... we on carriage no 9 .... of course it starts with No 1 .... OH&S here ???... no no no .... we walk along train track towards our carriage ... for miles too, Finally arrive at number 9 ... BM is now thinking she not able to get up onto the bottom step, let alone climb up to the carriage, but with a shove from behind and a grunt from within, up BM makes it .... we settle in, some vietnamese man tries to join us in our carriage... Cheryl oi having none of that .... get out she says .... nicely ???... he goes ... we laugh ... then train slowly takes off ... Cheryl needs to wee ... toilet locked ... get someone to open ... she sit and wee ... no curtain on window ... we pass all traffic stopped at train gates .. Cheryl have to stay seated, if she stand up ... bum to the world .. so she sits on loo and waves to thousands of people waiting at boom gates.... she returns, BM needs to go loo too .... but only finds vietnamese loo .... so has to wee ... and uses shower head to both flush loo and wash feet .... then paddles back to our cabin ... we stretch out ... bed not long enough .... but fall asleeep quickly enough ... until 2 am when Cheryl decides she not well at all ... and all her mozzie bites are inflamed and itchy ... (BM bite free so far) ... Cheryl hot and cold .... Cheryl holds back for as long as she can ... but has to be sick ... has found plastic bag .... 1/2 full quickly ... I'm praying that there's no hole in bag .... then she feels a little better ... but not much ... then in early hours of morning - about 5.30 we arrive at end of the line to transfer to bus ... for the long ride up up up the mountain to Sapa .... lots of people on mini bus .. we get separated from our new german friends ... finally get to Sapa ... but taken to wrong hotel ... you wait madam .... Cheryl oi ... still green around the gills, and the air is much thinner up here .. and all is white ... fog so thick we get wet quickly, and also decided that we are totally unprepared for this climate ... the summer shorts and tops and sundress we brought are stupid idea ... we need warm clothes .... but we have to wait over 2 hours then get transferred to our hotel .... which is 3 star ???? .... no way ... UNDER CONSTRUCTION .... need room for Cheryl to sleep .. jackhammers going all round ... stair wells half done ... could fall to death any time ... and NO heating ... fog so bad, everything wet, streets so wet, that the gutters are running with water ....... but we get a room ... I go out looking for warm clothes, Cheryl goes to bed .... then BM meets our new best friends ... 3 Hmong ladies .... they our best friends for the next two days.

Did they pick me because of my beauty, personality, or perceived size of wallet ... I choose beauty .. and soon find out that it was the wrong choice ... more to come ... i've taken up my time on computer. and people behind glaring ... we still waiting for bus to go back down hill ...

love to all back home ...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sandpits, buckets and spades

Thursday 12th November 2009
Our trusty driver Mr Bah wasn’t able to take us to the orphanage for the last time today but instead kindly arranged for his friend to do the honours. Lyn is also unable to cone as she has work commitments so just Linda and I will be visiting today. We leave Hoang Trinh Hotel about 10.00 am after buying a cake to take with us for the children. With sandpit toys in tow we head off hoping that today we could finish the sandpit – our legacy to the children at Dai Loc as this would be the last time we will visit before returning home to Australia.

When we arrive, we are greeted by the children who are home from school for lunch. They run to give us cuddles and help us take our bags into the hall. We have also brought more colouring pencils and paper in the hope that we can get them to draw some pictures for us that we can keep as mementoes of our time at Dai Loc. The children are eager to draw lotus flowers and some of the work they produce is just beautiful. From the very youngest to the very oldest, they sit along the long table in the centre of the room, intent on their works of art. As each one is finished they proudly bring them to us with their names on them.

We carefully pack the pictures away and when they have all eaten lunch, we bring out the cake – so beautifully decorated. Like bees to a honey pot, they swarm around anxiously waiting for their piece. Before I have cut more than a few slices, the decorations have all disappeared from off the top and around the edges.

After the cake has been devoured, we head out to the courtyard to check on the sandpit and find that the edges have been meticulously completed. The sand we had arranged to be delivered is still not here so we get the House Mums to ring and try to get it delivered today. While we are waiting for the delivery we lay out a tarp on the floor of the sandpit to stop the dirt leeching through. The children run off to get the wheelbarrow, bags, dishes and anything they can find to carry what is left of the sand to the sandpit. I am amazed at there ability to problem solve and be resourceful.

We also lay out the tarp that has been sewn into a cover and watch as one of the mothers gets a machete to cut off the ends of bamboo they have gathered to use as poles down each side to weigh down the cover.

By the time the pile of sand is depleted, it has only covered a few inches of the base but is enough to lay in so we give them the sandpit toys we have brought with us. They look at them inquisitively but it only takes a few moments for them to work out what to do with the buckets, spades, moulds and trucks. Before we know it they are all in the sandpit, having taken there shoes off first and are the quietest we have heard them. The mothers watch with smiles on their faces and it isn’t long before they also have their shoes off and are in the sandpit too.

It is not long before the new sand is delivered and before it has time to be tipped out of the truck, the children and mothers are dragging bags, carrying dishes and pushing the wheelbarrow to take the sand to the sandpit. By now the weather is hot and very humid but it doesn’t deter them and even the little ones struggle with a wheelbarrow load of sand up the ramp and into the courtyard. They all pitch in and there is a sense of excitement to get it finished so play can begin.

In no time at the entire sandpit is full and the children can’t wait to get in and start playing again. Suddenly sand castles emerge and then moats and tunnels and they are all working together quietly to build sandcastle cities. There is no fighting or bickering and the older children are playing with the younger ones. The lours of the toys and the smiles on the children’s faces make the whole project a success. We take photo after photo to capture the moment and find it hard to take ourselves away from the fun and frivolity that the children are enjoying. Mum Xiam, Mum Ham, Mum Lien and the two mothers mothers, whose names I have forgotten gather around for photos and are sad that we will not be back. They thank us for giving the sandpit to the children and as we leave, they follow us to the car and we have one last group photo at the front of the orphanage before leaving. The children wave goodbye and run back to the sandpit to finish their castles, smiles on their faces – a memory I will always treasure.

As we drive down the driveway, we are greeted by some of the older children who are just now returning home from school. We think their introduction to the sandpit will be a happy one and we picture the children all playing together, constructing castles out of sand and wish them all magical moments in their life that will be special to them. We are glad we have been able to finish it and are pleased that the children and mothers were so eager to join in and help make it happen. The sandpit will stay at Dai Loc for many years, and hopefully, many children will be able to play in it – giving them some respite from life’s reality even if for just a few minutes, to build something from their imaginations, something that can be fun, something they can share and something that will make them smile.
When we first came to Dai Loc, there was no laughter, just shy curious faces staring at us through steel barred windows and now as we leave we remember the laughter as they ran beside the care as we drove down the driveway one last time….


tough times at work !!

just a few pics of the girls at work, with me, and also with Cat and Andy, the new Canadian OT's .... have found a way to upload pics quickly!! finally . .... about to go to a party today for the one month birth of one of the staff's first child .... it gets a name today ... and you can take photos for the first time ...